We are pleased to confirm Trans World Educational Experiences have joined FOBISIA (Federation of British International Schools in Asia) as Affiliate Members for the 2023/24 academic year.

Working with British International Schools throughout Asia, FOBISIA brings schools, students and staff together to share best practice, compete across a range of subjects and disciplines, and forge lasting friendships with like-minded individuals in educational establishments throughout the region.

Founded in 1988, FOBISIA works with schools in 19 countries throughout Asia: Brunei, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

As part of our Affiliate Membership, Calum and Ally from our Dubai headquarters recently attended the annual PE and Sport Conference and Dulwich College in Singapore, which we were proud to support.

The conference theme was “Why do we do what we do?” with an array of PE staff in attendance. Twedex were delighted to provide a small sample of what we can do to help enrich the lives of children in schools across the FOBISIA network, all the while protecting the well-being of staff by managing their workload.

The conference also gave Calum and Ally an opportunity to learn and connect with a host of guest speakers who travelled from England, Australia and South-East Asia. In total 72 different workshops, over three days, with five keynote speakers and one “legends” panel discussion. It was an excellent opportunity to showcase what we can do moving forward.

Speaking of our Affiliate Membership with FOBISIA, Account Manager Calum Erskine said:

“We are delighted to join FOBISIA as Affiliate Members and it was brilliant to join colleagues from across Asia in Singapore last month. With tours and events to suit a wide range of subject areas and sporting interests we are looking forward to forging a strong relationship with schools and staff from throughout the region.

“With over 10 years of experience in the school tours and events industry we are excited to share our journey with FOBISIA and its member school and can’t wait to support with tour planning and delivery in this academic year and into the future.”

You can find out more about FOBISIA by clicking here.

You can view our profile on the FOBISIA website by clicking here.

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